

Shore point Point at shore marking the transition from offshore route to onshore route.

Connection box A cabling component that links two cable segments ensuring electrical and optical continuity.

Cable A cabling component that links two cable segments ensuring electrical and optical continuity.

In Service Cable Active submarine telecommunication cables, are those still conducting phone flow as defined in the amendment to article L32 of the French Post and Telecommunication Code (law N° 96-659 of 26th July, article 1, JO of 27th July, 1996)

Out of Service Cable Non-active cables are cables that were previously active, but have been out of service for more than 5 years ; as soon it is clearly established that no sign, signal, image, sound or any other data item as defined in the amended article L32 are being transmitted, a non-active cable is described as being out of service.

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Plough submarine machinery used to bury a cable in order to protect it.

Hook Contact with a submarine cable by a vessel or her gear (nets, dredges, anchors, drilling equipment …).

Burying/ied The cable burying operation using submarine machinery to ensure cables are protected.

Environment Environmental conditions and the nature of the surrounding seabed (sand, rock …) will not be handled by the INFOCABLES site.

Splice A factory-made junction box ; or, following repair work, a repair connection inserted between the initial, and the final, splice.

Final splice Connection box adjacent to a repair ; it indicates the repair's end point.

Initial splice Connection box adjacent to a repair ; it indicates the start point for the repair.

Linear event Geographically delimited cable segments, the given segment having the same features between the two points (e.g. a buried segment).

Point Event Events appearing on the cable after it is enabled.'Point' signifies that these events are localised to a geographical point.

Cable-to-shore See shore point.

LSM Stands for 'Ligne Sous-Marine' in French (submarine cable).

Cable-layer Vessel used for submarine cable laying or repair.

Cable point Cable components displayed graphically as a symbol.

Geographic point Points at which the cable-layer vessel changes course when laying a cable.

Plough laying Plough laying is when cable segments are buried using a plough as they are laid.

Scarab laying Cable sections buried using a scarab as they are laid.

Repeater The active element within a cable that regenerates the signal.

Optical repeater Active cable element that amplifies an optical signal. This element is replacing the repeater element in the most up-to-date submarine cable systems.

ROV Stands for 'Remote Operating Vehicle.' submarine vessel used for repair operations. Used among other things to position, cut, and bury cable.

Section A length of cable extending between two repeaters.

(cable) Segment A length of cable that can run between :
  • Two shore points.
  • A shore point and a BU (Branching Unit).
  • Two BUs

Transition A piece of cable used to link two different kinds of cable.

Connection unit A BU (Branching Unit) is an active piece of cable that redirects flow from one segment to two outgoing cable segments.

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