Shore point |
Point at shore marking the transition from offshore route to onshore route.
Connection box |
A cabling component that links two cable segments ensuring electrical and optical continuity.
Cable |
A cabling component that links two cable segments ensuring electrical and optical continuity.
In Service Cable |
Active submarine telecommunication cables, are those still conducting phone flow as defined in the amendment to article L32 of the French Post and Telecommunication Code (law N° 96-659 of 26th July, article 1, JO of 27th July, 1996)
Out of Service Cable |
Non-active cables are cables that were previously active, but have been out of service for more than 5 years ; as soon it is clearly established that no sign, signal, image, sound or any other data item as defined in the amended article L32 are being transmitted, a non-active cable is described as being out of service.
Orange Marine |
Plough |
submarine machinery used to bury a cable in order to protect it.
Hook |
Contact with a submarine cable by a vessel or her gear (nets, dredges, anchors, drilling equipment …).
Burying/ied |
The cable burying operation using submarine machinery to ensure cables are protected.
Environment |
Environmental conditions and the nature of the surrounding seabed (sand, rock …) will not be handled by the INFOCABLES site.
Splice |
A factory-made junction box ; or, following repair work, a repair connection inserted between the initial, and the final, splice.
Final splice |
Connection box adjacent to a repair ; it indicates the repair's end point.
Initial splice |
Connection box adjacent to a repair ; it indicates the start point for the repair.
Linear event |
Geographically delimited cable segments, the given segment having the same features between the two points (e.g. a buried segment).
Point Event |
Events appearing on the cable after it is enabled.'Point' signifies that these events are localised to a geographical point.
Cable-to-shore |
See shore point.
Stands for 'Ligne Sous-Marine' in French (submarine cable).
Cable-layer |
Vessel used for submarine cable laying or repair.
Cable point |
Cable components displayed graphically as a symbol.
Geographic point |
Points at which the cable-layer vessel changes course when laying a cable.
Plough laying |
Plough laying is when cable segments are buried using a plough as they are laid.
Scarab laying |
Cable sections buried using a scarab as they are laid.
Repeater |
The active element within a cable that regenerates the signal.
Optical repeater |
Active cable element that amplifies an optical signal. This element is replacing the repeater element in the most up-to-date submarine cable systems.
Stands for 'Remote Operating Vehicle.' submarine vessel used for repair operations. Used among other things to position, cut, and bury cable.
Section |
A length of cable extending between two repeaters.
(cable) Segment |
A length of cable that can run between :
- Two shore points.
- A shore point and a BU (Branching Unit).
- Two BUs
Transition |
A piece of cable used to link two different kinds of cable.
Connection unit |
A BU (Branching Unit) is an active piece of cable that redirects flow from one segment to two outgoing cable segments.